SEEA Applications and Extensions
What is it?
The SEEA Applications and Extensions is a companion document to the SEEA Central Framework. It was formulated to help compilers and users of SEEA accounts understand how the accounts can be used in decision making, policy review and formulation, analysis and research. In particular, the focus in SEEA Applications and Extensions is on describing measurement and analysis at a broad, national level on topics such as resource use, environmental intensity, environmental protection actvity, production of environmental goods and services and environmental assets.
How to use it
The SEEA Applications and Extensions does not intend to be exhaustive in its coverage. Instead, it offers a summary of the most common applications and extensions to bridge the divide between compilers and analysts. In addition, the SEEA Applications and Extensions follows the SEEA Central Framework’s modular approach. The applications and extensions described in the document can be implemented in line with available resources and demand, and many of the applications and extentions would benefit from a modular focus.
Extensions of the SEEA: Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. A key component of the SDGs is the measurement of progress towards meeting various goals and targets through SDG indicators. The SEEA Applications and Extensions details how the SEEA can be integrated with other social, economic and environmental accounts (e.g., System of National Accounts) to provide a framework for producing SDG indicators.