Affiliate Membership is for those who are either studying the IEE qualification programme or working in the field of Environmental-Economics. The membership brings you the latest insights, research, studies and resources to help you stay up-to-date.
Becoming a Affiliate Member
There is no professional review and no post-nominals, so Affiliate Membership is not classed as Associate Membership. It is, however, a great starting point for students wishing to enter into Associate Membership in the future.
Affiliate Membership gives you instant access to a wealth of resources that will support your transition to a worthwhile career. We welcome students from around the globe and from a wide range of disciplines including economics, finance, environment, public policy and many more.
Associate Membership demonstrates you have the economic skills to deliver on today’s corporate and non-corporate needs. You’re sought-after for your experience, trusted for your up-to-date knowledge, and respected for your professional commitment to good practice.
Your Associate IEE designation helps to raise your profile within the Environmental-Economics profession and can open the door to new job opportunities. It establishes your credibility and knowledge as a professional.
Working at Associate Member grade means you’re delivering an operational and strategic impact with increasing complexity. You’re using your knowledge to address and react to changing legislation and a new perspective on economics, environmental services and society’s well-being.